Choosing a wallets, card holders, bags, storage cases supplier is very important for each Amazon sellers. It’s related with the sellers sale, after selling service, delivery on-time, and products storage, etc. All these affairs we Boshiho can do for you, you can mainly focus on your sale promote, and other thing we do it for you.
Do you know why choose Boshiho Leather Inc. as Amazon sellers’ supplier? Fast shipping with low Moq? Not only these, we also can do below for you!
1, 100% real material as required, 2, handmade stitching with strong thread.
like real leather below.
3, We can directly deliver goods to 4, Customized logo design.
Yuour Amazon FBA Warehouse.
5, High resolution images can be 6, Barcode label, Amazon sticker, UPC code, provided free for your Amazon shop.
shipping mark all offered free.
We provide customized products for Amazon, retail stores, local sellers, etc over 20 years.
Pls feel free contact us as our professional and strong productivity.
And I’m Coco Contact me by email: